Monday, April 25, 2011

Hairspray Qestion #7

I tried to go back and answer this question and edit it but I could not get it to work.

#7.  Listen carefully to the final song of the movie.  What does it mean--not just for the story itself, but for you, too? 

It means that time does not stand still. Things change everyday.  New things are invented everyday.  You can't live in the past.  No matter what you look like, your size, the color of your hair or skin.  We are all God's children.  He made us all to be equal.  You can't stop love.  People change.  Things change whether we like it or not.  Change is good. 

Things have changed from the time I was very young until now.  Technology advances everyday.  People have different values today.  They want more for nothing.  They want and don't give.  Maybe we should go back to some of the values of the sixties.  But not all.  Some things change for the better.  The older I get the more I miss some of the things that are not around today.  Everything is convenent and fast.  Everyone is always in a hurry.  I miss the old days.

Hairspray Questions

1. Define:  setting -  the surroundings or environment of anything.  The locale or period in which the action of a novel, play etc. take place.

Describe the setting - in detail - keeping in mind the complete definition of setting.
1962 Baltimore, Maryland.  Early residential neighborhoods, living quarters on top , business downstairs, a trolley runs down the road's center, beehive hair do's , Esso gas station, clothes, old cars.

2.  Why and how is the setting important in the story?   Because in the 60's woman and girls used a lot of hairspray - hair was very high and teased up.  They took pride in how they looked. 

3.  What is the major conflict in the story?  Who or what is the major conflict between?

race is the major conflict    between the blacks and the whites

conflict between Tracy and Amber to be Miss Teenage Hairspray also

4.  In what ways do the conflict advance or influence the plot of the story?  Name at least two.

The white people do not see that the blacks are just like them.  The black can dance better than the whites but they only get a show once a month.  Tracy is a average white high school teenager.  She is heavy set but loves to dance.  She wants to dance on a teenage dance show that others students at her school dance on.  They are all arrogant and wealthy.  Tracy likes to see the black dancers best.  She tries to help them.

5.  The title of the play is Hairspray.  What or how is hairspray significant/important to the story?

The dance show is sponsored by hairspray.   In the 60's girls and woman used lots of hairspray on their high teased hair.  It made it stiff and would not move.  The girls are trying to win Miss Teenage Hairspray.

6.  Define:  theme.  List and explain at least three themes in the story.

Theme - subject of discourse, discussion, meditation, or composition; topic.

1.  Tracy favors intergration seeing beyond peoples looks or skin color

2.  Sex - Tracy & Link kiss, she sings about not going all the way, but she french kisses with Link

3.  Language - They talk about Tracy's weight and call her names - whale, fattie, etc.
African-Americans  are called - lawn jockeys, nergo

4.  Smoking - Teens, pregarent women, everyone smokes

7.  Listen carefully to the final song of the movie.  What does it mean - not just for the story itself, but for you too? 

8.  Tracy sings to her mom "Welcome to the Sixties."  In what ways have things changed over the years--from the sixties to now--based on what Tracy sings about as well as the themes of the story?

The clothes they wore.  very different today
The smoking and drinking- everyone did it then - no big deal
Cars- smaller and faster today
They did not wear seatbelts - the kids in the car were sitting on the back
black & white TV - only color today
beauty shops - very different today
black people - more excepted today
teen pregancy - a big no no then -  more excepted today
segregation & intergation
makeup - lipstick
Wiener stand - some still in big cities today

9.  Why do you think the director chose to use a man. (John Travolta) to play the part of Tracy's mom?  Once you answer this question for yourself, do a little research and see if you can find out the real reason why the director chose a man.  Compare your answer/opinion to the real reason.

I believe he chose John Travolta becasue he has played many kinds of roles.  Serious, funny, mean etc.  Also, he dance very well.  He dance in Saturday Night Live, Grease, and Pulp Fiction.  He can play almost any character.  He can also sing.

John Travolta's casting of Edna continues the tradition of having a man in drag portray the character going back to the original 1988 film which featured drag queen Divine as Edna and at Hairspray Broadway version, which featured Harvey Fierstein as Edna.  The producer wanted John Travolta because of his role on Grease. 

I said that because JT was in Grease. 

10.  What have I missed?  What do you want to say about Hairspray that I haven't asked about?

Tracy's mom was a recluise and did other people laundry for a living.  She did not feel good about herself and did not want to enteract with other people.  When Tracy took her out shopping and got her a make over she was a different person.

Tracy's parents loved eachother but did not know quite how to show their love.   After seeing her husband with another woman - which was not his fault.  They reconnected and fell back in love.  You never saw them kiss - probably due to the fact that they were two men and that would be a big no no in the sixties.

People were not in touch with their sexuality then - like they are today.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My questions about Oedipus the King

1.  On page 1286    line 156  what does  the " ie!"   mean? 
This is also on line 167 " io!"

2.  Why did Oedipus' real parents pierce and tie his feet together when they left him as a baby.  What was the purpose for doing this to a baby who could not walk?

3.  Do you think Jocasta, Oedipus' wife, figured out the truth before he did but was afraid to say so.  Do you think he would have blamed her for what happened?  Is that why she killed herself?

4.  Was the curse lifted on Thebes when Oedipus finally discovered that he had killed the king, his father?

5.  Who took Oedipus' place as king?

6.  What happened to Oedipus' children?

7.  Would you like to know your fate in life today?  Or are you better off not knowing?  Would knowing your fate change the way you live, think and treat others?

8.  Could you leave your only child alone to die just because someone told you his/her fate was bad?

Oedipus Questions

1.  Who wrote the play?       Sophocles

2.  Briefly define the Oedipal Complex.   A child's desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite sex.  The child has a sense of rivalry and hostility for the parent of the same sex.

3.  What is the setting of the story, specifically, the where?   The City of Thebes

4.  As the play opens, what horrible thing is going on?  Someone murdered the king - Laius - the city of Thebes is being plagued by a sphinx - until the person that killed him is found and punished.

5.  Whose death must be avenged in order for the horrible thing from number 4 to end?
      Laius the former king of Thebes

6.  Who is Oedipus' wife?      Jocasta

7.  Who is Oedipus' mother?   Jocasta

8.  Who is Oedipus' father?  Laius

9.  Who killed the King of Thebes?   Oedipus

10.  What is Oedipus' tragic flaw?   His pride.  He was blinded by his ego.  He did not want to see who he really was.

11.  As you read through Oedipus, you'll note that sight/vision/seeing (including "second sight") is very important to the overall story -- in the literal as well as the metaphorical/symbolical aspect.  You don't have to do this in complete sentences if you don't want --    Not real sure how you want this answered -- it's not really a ? 

Oedipus could see physically with his eyes.  But, was blind to the corruption in his life.  He summons the blind prophet Tiresias to help him find out who killed Laius the former king.  When Tiresias reveals the truth Oedipus can't see how this could be true.  Oedipus believes that Creon puts Tiresias up to this. 

The prophet Tiresias was physically blind, but, could see the truth and told Oedipus what was revealed to him. 

12.  Describe/discuss/explain/list how sight/vision/seeing/ "second sight" is/are used in the play to advance the plot -- to advance the story as a whole.  Include an explanation of why it's important as well as how it helps you (the real audience) understand (get) what others on the stage and in the play don't understand.

The audience and the chorus know Oedipus' fate.  They know his parents are not really his parents.  That he killed Laius, his real father, and that he married his mother.   Oedipus knows none of this.  Because he does not know these things the plot goes on.  If he knew what he had done the rest of the story would not have happened.  It makes the play suspensful.  Making the audience wait eagerly to see what happens next.  It makes you pity or feel sorry for the main character and those the lie effects.

13.  As a play, there's a lot that can and can not be done on the stage.  Explain why you think some things within this play in particular are done on stage while others are done off stage.

I think certain things are done off stage to make us use our imagineations.  We hear sound effects and in the play are told of things that happened in the past.  We must visualize the setting and how things happened.
They may not have had room for certain props for be equipped with materials for a scene.  They were limited to what they could do.

14.  Do you believe in fate?  Explain fully your answer.

Yes, I believe God put me on this earth for a reason.  He knows every aspect of my life.  He knows what I think, how I feel, and what will happen in my life.  He had a plan for my life before I was born.  He knows how and when I will die.   

15.  Explain how fate plays a role in Oedipus.

It was his fate as prophesied, to kill his father and marry his mother.  Know matter how hard he tried to change his fate it still happened.  A higher power had control.  Even though he was a king and had a lot of power, he could not change his fate.

16.  Have you ever thought how ironic this play is?  It's weird how the events come together and make everything happen the way it does.  If things were to happen just a little bit different the story would be completely changed.

Yes, if the herdsmand had killed the child when he was a baby like he was told, none of the events could have happened.  The herdsman wanted to do something good for the baby and two people who wanted a child.  But, it turned out tradgic for all involved.
Extra:  Name either one of the other tow plays in the Oedipus Trilogy -- punctuation count.

Oedipus the King

Oedipus at Colonus


Monday, March 28, 2011


p. 811

homage to my hips

Lucille Clifton

All the ladies 40 and over (middle age) can appreciate this poem.  There comes a time in a woman's life when you are what you are.  Marriage, having babies, work, stress, they all take a toll on our bodies.  And where do you think it lands.  That's right on our hips.  We are woman that are confident in who we are and know what we want out of life.  If the rest of the world doesn't like it - oh well.  No matter what size are hips are they are magical and can put a spell on a man that he can't understand.  We use our hips to carry things, like children, laundry baskets etc.  We can shake them when we dance and maneuver our way in and out of anything.  They define our shape and make us desirable to men.  They show we are strong and confident.  Our hips make us unique.  Big, small, fat, skinny be proud of who you are and your hips.  

I really enjoyed this poem.  It hit home at my age.  I feel the same way.



Looking at Each Other

Muriel Rukeyser

Everyone that is married or has a sexual relationship can appreciate this poem.

I believe it is talking about two people in love married or not.  They have a special relationship.  They know each other well.  They have spent valuable time together.  They love each other.  They have been through good and bad times.  Experienced a lot together.  There is still passion in the relationship and they are still sexually aroused by each other.  To me it describes a couple that has been together for a number of years and are still very much in love and enjoy being together.   When making love they see each other with loving hearts and minds.  They are one.  They are in love.


p. 740

The Pulley

George Herbert

This poem starts out saying when God created man he poured on him a glass of blessings.  He gave him strength, beauty, wisdom and pleasure. But, when the glass was almost empty at the bottom was rest.  God held back rest because he knew someday man would tire of all the other blessings of life and come to him for rest.  Therefore, when our burdens are heavy we can hoist them up to God like using a pulley to help us move or carry the load. 

I believe all of us at sometime or another need rest from the heavy load and burdens of life.  God is there to lighten our load and give us rest.


p. 626
Lisel Mueller

What would the world be like without hope?  We hope everyday.  Without hope we would not have anything to look forward to.  We hope for a good life, a good education, job, marriage, family, etc. We hope to live to see the next minute, day, year.  We hope to be healthy and live a long life.  We hope to experience new and exciting things in life.  What would our world be like without hope?  This poem makes me want to look for hope in God and in humanity.  Hope is a wonderful thing.  Without it life would be very boring and depressing.

I think everyone should read this poem and see how lucky they are to have hope in their life.


P. 624
Billy Collins

This is a humorous poem from the view of a teacher observing his former sudents.  They all basically still live in the town where they grew up.  He says the population ages but never graduates.  He describes how some of the students acted in class and at school in general.  He can't remember all their names in abc order, but can remember the things they did.  The A's stroll with the other A's. The D's are red neck and carefree.  It reminded me of the people I went to school with 27 years ago.  Today I see alot of them around and about.  I enjoy seeing what they have become.  You know- like the girl who thought she was the most popular, the most beautiful girl in school.  Stuck up you might say.  Now she is fat and ugly.  Or the boy that was the stud and is now bald and fat.  You can look back and see why they are in the place they are today.  Even working in elementary school teachers can tell what kind of person or what kind of life a kid will usually end having.  I would love to know where all my former classmates are today.  Some people never change.

I know all of us can appreciate this poem if we have been out of school for a few years.  I would hate to hear what some of my teachers think of me.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


When I hear the word poetry I usually think. Oh No!  This will require a lot of reasoning and thinking.  Reading between the lines kind of stuff.  I would not go out and buy a poetry book just for fun and enjoyment.  When reading poetry it depends on what kind of poetry it is and the author.  For example, work the poetry I read is for children.  It is easy for me to understand and interrupt.  To me most poetry is very hard to understand.  The author uses words I can not pronounce or cannot understand unless I research them or look up the meaning.  Then I usually still do not get the meaning of the poem.  If I have to read the poem over and over again just to try and understand what the author is trying to say I do not enjoy it.   Last semester in Eng. 111 we read a lot of poems written by Irish poets.  The poems dealt with the Irish Troubles and the impact the poets had on the war.  They were very hard to interrupt unless you did a lot of research on Ireland and the poets themselves.  Which we had to do and write a report on.  It was more like history class than English.  Poetry has never been one of my favorite things.  I do not have a creative bone in my body.  Writing anything is a struggle for me.  I had to write a poem about myself last semester.  Needless to say not great.  I have read the occasional poem I really enjoyed.  I type the bulletin for our church and use religious poems to fill in space.  I enjoy those very much.  As I stated early, it depends on the type of poem and the author when reading poems.  I really don't have a favorite author or poem.  I do not care to read poetry unless I have to.  It has never been something I enjoy.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'ts almost Spring

Sunday, March 20 is the first day of Spring.  I love Spring.  Everything comes back to life and is so beautiful.  As soon as is starts getting warmer my husband and I pull out our hiking boots and backpacks.  We love to hike.  Last year we went to Crowders Mountain in Gastonia, NC.  It was a very hard climb, up, up, up.  But, we got to enjoy the beauty of nature all the way up.  Once we reached the top we could see as far as Charlotte.  We just walked around and enjoyed the view and the cool air.  Things look so much different when you are on top of a mountain.  There are several trials on Crowders Mountain, some easier than others, but each one is just as exhilarating as the other. 

We have hiked on Rona Mountain in Tennessee where we came across something very unusual.  Inside a fence that was game managed, were long haired goats.  They had long curly hair like a sheep, but they were goats.  There was a goat mailbox with info about them and you could adopt one. 

We hiked to the top of Cling man's Dome in Western North Carolina.  When we began the hike we were dressed in shorts and tennis shoes with light jackets.  It was a warm, sunny day.  When we reached the top, we were up so high it was snowing.  We texted our kids showing us in the snow.  They texted back, where in the world are you? 

We hiked up Mt. Mitchell also.  It was a long, hard climb, but well worth it.  It was gorgeous at the top.  But, while we were enjoying the view it began to sleet.  When we got back down. You guessed it.  Warm and sunny.

We have hiked up South Mountain several times.  It is only about 45 minutes from our house and is a good trip for a Sunday afternoon.  There is a great park, fishing, swimming, and other activities.  At the top of this mountain is a beautiful waterfall you could just stand and watch all day.

We have enjoyed hiking many mountains and hope to do so again this spring and summer.  But, the best part of hiking is being together in God's beautiful world and experiencing it's wonder and beauty.  I look forward to our adventures every year and hope we are both healthy enough to make the trips.  There are still a lot of mountains we have not conquered yet, but, hope to get to them eventually.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Short Story I Liked the Least

The short story I liked the least of the 10, was "Cathedral".  I know blind people use their other senses to see.  I know they like to feel other people's faces.  I know the point of the story was to make us grateful for having the gift of sight.  But, I really could not understand how the blind man putting his hand on the man's doing the drawing could help him know what a cathedral looked like.  To me you would have to be a very good artist to draw a cathedral.  There is so much detail.  I think this would be something you would have to see to believe.  Or touch in person to visualize.  I just could not get into the story.   It did not keep me curious  to what would happen next. 

The Short Story I Liked Best

Of the ten short stories we read, "A Rose for Emily", was my favorite.  It remined me of the movie, Gone With The Wind.  The story talked about the graves of the Union and Confederate soldiers who fell at the battle of Jefferson.  It also said that Homer was a northener.  I tried to compare Emily with Scarlet O'Hara.  The story talks about Emily's house.  How it look rundown and not taken care of.  I imagine at some time it was beautiful and buzzing with Emily's family and servants.  Emily was proud of her family and her hertiage.  She tried to keep up the house and work but she grew older and lonely after her father died.  Now it was just her and the Negro servant.  I believe he could have been a slave and was loyal to the Grierson family for many years.  He must have felt obligated to Emily because her family was gone and she was alone.  After Emily's death he was finally free and went on his way.  In Gone With The Wind, Scarlet lost everything her family had after the Civil War.  Her servants were loyal to her and stayed with her.  Scarlet was a woman that was never satisifed with what she had.  She was wealthy and beautiful.  All the boys wanted to date her.  She always wanted more. She wanted things she could not have.  She didn't know what she truly had until it was gone.  Emily wanted things she never had before.  She wanted someone to love and who loved her back.  She wanted companionship.  She wanted to be respected and noticed by her neighbors and so called friends.  She was determined to be happy.  Scarlet could get any man she wanted.  Emily, had to kill one to get him.  Emily died sad and lonely, while Scarlet told herself, tommorrow is another day.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Horse Dealer's Daughter

27 yrs. old
rather short
not very good-looking according to her brothers- face that looked like a bulldog
ignored brothers
took care of house and family
misses having money and servants
loved and misses her mother whom is dead
father remarried and left them with nothing
wants to get married and have money again
tired of being poor
wants a better life
thinks of suicide
went to church and lived in the memory of her mother
loved her father and depended upon him and felt secure in him until he remarried
now he was dead and left them in hopeless debt
she suffered badly during the period of poverty
she felt the end had come but she would still follow her own way
she held the keys to her life
she was mindless and presistant - thinking of no one but herself
using the Dr. as her way out

oldest brother - 33 yrs. old
broad and handsome in a hot, flushed way
black moustache
shallow and restless eyes
Knew the life they had was about to come to an end
engaged to a woman who's father would give him a job - would marry and go into harness
felt his life was done for now - he would have to listen to his wife
knew he would not be in charge anymore
smokes pipe

Fred Henry
middle brother 
erect, clean-limbed, alert
master horse trainer
not a master of life situations
Did not like to be controlled
blue eyes

fresh jaunty nose
22 yrs. old

Jack Ferguson
Young Doctor
medium height
rather long and pale face
tired eyes
spoke huskily
slight Scotch accent
had a cold
concerned about patients
friends with the Pervin family
treating rough people excited him
mere hired assistant
slave to the countryside
loved Mabel Pervin - but did not want to - he did not realize it
wanted to save her
could not express his feelings easily

"The Curse"

In the story "The Curse", Mitchell wants to help a young lady being raped by five men in a bar.  He knows he is out numbered and does nothing.  Later he feels guilty and ashamed.  His family and friends tell him there wasn't anything he could do, not to feel bad.  When he returns to work he sees and hears the event over and over again in his head.  Then he feels her curse all over his body.  He is so obsessed with this feeling he just wants to kneel on the floor and except his punishment. 

In the movie Crash, Matt Dillon is a cop who risks his own life to save a woman in a wreck who's car is upside down with her trapped inside.  Gas is leaking everywhere and the no one is there to help yet.  He does not even hesitate to crawl in the car with her and try to free her.  She recognizes him from and unpleasant traffic stop earlier.   She refuses to let him help her.  He tells her the situation and conveniences her to let him help.    He finally gets her free and pulls her from the car just in time. 

Differences in the two men
Mitchell wanted to help but was afraid. He knew he would probably get hurt also.
The cop did not hesitate to help save a life.  He risked his life for another. 
Mitchell was a kind and caring.
The cop was arrogant and a racist.

Similarities in the two men
They both were ashamed of what they did.
Mitchell for not helping the girl.
The cop for how he treated the lady earlier.
They both had jobs that deal with the public.
They both felt cursed for what they had done.
They both feel they need to apologize.

Friday, March 11, 2011

"The Black Cat"

Spirit of Perverseness - to me it is sort of like revenge.  Doing or saying something to someone you know is morally wrong, but you do it anyway because, at the time it feels good. 

Proverbs 15:4   says "a gentle tongue is a tree of life; but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.

There were several times I said or did things to others that I thought were payback and the other person deserved it.  The one that sticks out in my mind most is when I was in 9th grade.  My mom and I never saw eye-to-eye about anything.  We were always arguing.  I was the oldest of 3 kids and thought I knew everything.  I wanted to date a boy in the 12th grade.  Three years older than me.  She did not approve because of his age and his family background. But, finally allowed him to come to our house some.  I, like all teenage girls thought I was in love and could not live without this boy. She got a little more lenient and I wanted more and more privileges.  When she said I could not car date, he gave up and found someone else.  Of course I hated her.  I did not have the relationship with my mom that allowed me to feel like I could confide in her about personal things.  I wrote a lot of my feelings in a diary, which she found and read.  I included how much I hated her.  It really hurt her feelings.  But, at the time I did not care how she felt.  I was just mad that I didn't get my way.  After that I destroyed the diary.  We never had that close mother-daughter relationship.  I married very young and my husband often jokes that it was my way of getting out of the house and making my own decisions.   Every teenager at some time in their life says, "I can't wait until I'm eighteen and can be my own boss.  I guess I took it literally.  Since then I have matured alot and have three kids of my own.  I have seen them go through problems with girls and dating.  I can understand that she was trying to protect me from making a mistake with older boys.  Mom and I are still not close enough that I confide in her about personal things, but we do get along now.  I never did really hate her, I guess it was just a teenage thing. 

At the time I thought I was justified in feeling the way I did about my mom.  Now I see how silly I was and that I would never speak or treat my mom like that now. 

When she read the diary and knew how I felt.  It was sort of like, that's what you get for treating me that way.

I don't think people are bad or evil when the spirit of perverseness comes over them.  I think it is just human nature to want revenge or to make someone who has hurt you, hurt just as much.

But, I would never think of killing an animal or a person, not matter what they did.
A bug or a mouse, maybe.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Blue Winds Dancing"

I work at an elementary school as a teacher assistant.  Over the course of 14yrs.  I have experienced many different and unique children.  I tell myself every new school year that I'm not going to get attached to one certain child, but, if never fails, I do.  Describing people, things, or places is not one of my strong points.  Creativeness is very hard for me.  But, here goes.  One year while working in 3rd grade a new girl moved in.  Her name was Taylor.  She was an average little girl, sort of tall and slim in statuer.  She had sandy-blond hair that was long and striaght.  She always wore it pulled back in a high ponytail.  If she would let it down it would probably hang past her waist.  She had very pettie facial features.  Tiny little nose, curved chin and an always smiling, friendly, face.  She had the sweetest personality.  She got along with all the other children and was always polite.  Taylor did not wear the lastest fashion in clothes, but, they were always neat and clean.  One feature that I did not get to see very often was Taylor's eyes. You see Taylor could not see very well.  She was born with an eye deseise.  Even though she could see somewhat, she was labeled leagally blind.    She wore glasses with lenses so thick they looked like the bottoms of those old glass coca cola bottles.  These glasses help Taylor see enough to get around independently, even though she could only see a few feet in front of her.  If I hadn't met and known Taylor, I would have never known she had this disability.  She walked up and down the hall, went to lunch, played on the playground, did her homework, could read above grade level and write, as well as the other children in her class.  All of her papers had to be enlarged as much as possible. It took her a little longer to complete the task, but she was determined to finish each one.  I remember the day Taylor received a special machine that magnified her papers and books.  It sat on her desk and she learned to use it quickly.  She was so happy and grateful.  The other children treated her as if she was one of them and helped her in anyway they could.  Taylor never complained or used her disability as a crutch.  She was very independent and determined.  She was always willing to try and never said I can't.  That was about 10yrs. ago.  Taylor is probably a beautiful young lady now.  I would love to see her again and see how far she has come.  There is always one child each year that touches my heart.  It's like having 20 more children of my own.  I love each and everyone of them, despite their flaws and problems they are all wonderful children and just wanted to be loved.   

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I guess  you could say I am a very unlucky person.  I have never found a four-leaf clover, won at bingo, a raffle or drawing and certainly, even though I have entered, been fortunate to win the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.  Therefore, I can say I really do not believe in "luck".  I believe that everything happens for a reason.  If I live through something like a car accident, and I have had my share.  I thank God for being with me and keeping me safe, not luck.  God had control of everyone's life and he decides what happens and does not happen to us.  Being lucky is something I can not recall ever happening to me.  I always say, "I never win anything".  Sorry, I'm just not "lucky".

marriage and relationships

Why do the women in the two stories act as they do?
I think both women are secretly glad that their husbands are dead.  But, they cannot reveal their true feelings.  If Minnie lets others know how she really feels they will figure out she killed her husband, so, she is upset and very withdrawn.  Everyone including Louise's sister assumes she is happy with her marriage and loves her husband.  She is expected to be upset when hearing of his death.  Both women seemed to be unhappy in their marriages and knew they were free from a life they did not want.  They could visualize their new futures.

What are the differences between the two women?
Minnie in "A Jury of Her Peers", is a woman that left a life of song and happiness only to be trapped in an unhappy marriage with a very possessive man that does not really care about her.  She is treated almost like a slave in her own home.  She lives in a house with no luxuries at all.  Not even a telephone.  She probably works very hard everyday and is expected to clean, cook, and do what she is told.  She misses her old life and tries to compensate with what she has.  Minnie is sad and lonely.  There are no family or friends to talk to.   When she finds something she likes or cares about it is taken away.  I get the feeling she is physically and verbally abused by her husband. Minnie kills her husband and ends up in jail.

Louise in "The Story of an Hour", is a woman that is in ill health due to a bad heart.  She is fragile and needs to be taken care of.  She lives in a nice house with luxuries. She has a somewhat comfortable life.  She has family and friends that care about her.  Her husband seems to love her, but , she has fallen out of love with him for some reason.  She probably is not able to work or go out much.  He husband works a lot and is away from home often.  She is lonely and wants more out of life.  You cannot tell she is unhappy by the way she acts.  She wants to be free from her marriage.  When Louise finds out her husband is not dead she has a heart attack and dies.

The two women's similarities.
Both women are in unhappy marriages.  They are both sad and lonely.  They want more out of life.  Both of their husbands are dead.  They both are happy their husbands are dead and know that it is best if they keep their thoughts to themselves.  Both of their lives have changed dramatically. 

Differences between the men
John in "A Jury of Her Peers", is controlling and possessive,  he is not loving and kind to his wife.  He does not want to share her with anyone else.  He does not want her to have anything that makes her happy.  He is old fashioned and thinks women are not his equal and should not be treated as so.  He has no respect for his wife.  He is mean to her and treats her like a slave.

Brently in "The Story of an Hour", is caring and loving toward his wife.  He knows she is sick and wants to care for her.  He works hard to provide for her.  He thinks she loves him too.  He has friends and family that care about him and his wife.  But, maybe he doesn't realize that she is not happy.  He thinks their marriage is strong and she cannot live without him.  He tries to be a good husband.

Husband Similarities 
They both have no idea their wives are unhappy or maybe they do and are dealing with it the only way they know how.  I think the two men are very different.


Monday, February 28, 2011


When my boys were very young, they played optimist, coach pitch baseball.  Our team was winning the game and doing very well.  The next batter for the opposing team came up to bat.  He barely hit the ball past the pitcher.  The pitcher got the ball wildly threw it to the 1st baseman, who let it go over his head.  He retrieved the ball and tossed it to the 2nd baseman who also missed the ball.   The runner kept running and running around the bases.  Everyone from our team was confused at why our players were not getting this runner out.  What was going on?  The runner's spectators were all yelling for him to run faster and cheering for him.  The runner made a home run eventually.   Later on we were informed that the boy was handicapped but wanted to be on the team.   The coach talked to our coach and team about letting him bat and score a run that would not count.  It made the boy very happy and gave our team a chance to be kind to someone less fortunate.  The team enjoyed seeing the boy have a good time and be proud of himself.  It was heart breaking, but at the same time very rewarding to see this child have such a great time just playing baseball.

I have three sons, they are all healthy and mostly normal children.  This event helped to see clearly, how much I am thankful to the good Lord for giving me healthy, normal, wonderful children. We often take wonderful things God gives us for granted until we see someone else less fortunate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Minimalism means simple, fewest, or least.  Something is done or created using simple things to get a great effect.   Such as redecorating a room in a house using the simplest, cheapest materials to make it look very expensive. 

In the story when Bill goes into the neighbors apartment to feed the cat and water the plants, he goes through the whole house examining everything in detail.  These are just everyday things that everyone has in their house be the fact that it is not his house makes it exciting.  Bill goes through the medicine cabinet, the liquor cabinet, the cupboard and all the food, even the refrigerator.  He examines everything very carefully, he even tries on their clothes and eats their food.  Everything in the neighbors apartment, Bill probably has in his, but the thrill of being in someone else's apartment is intriguing.

At the end of the story Arlene is in the apartment, but we are not sure what she is doing in there so long.  She discovers pictures.  Everyone has pictures, simple, but what kind of pictures makes Bill curious.  Then Arlene realizes she had left the key in the apartment and the door is locked.  Again, a simple everyday thing, we all do it.  But, how would they get it out, will their fantasy be revealed?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"A Rose for Emily"

virulent    p.93

"Then we knew that this was to be expected too; as if that quality of her father which had thwarted her woman's life so many times had been too virulent and too furious to die."

definition - actively poisonous; violently or spitefully hositle; intensley bitter, spiteful, malicious.
definition - found at

I think the word virulent in the story means that, because of the way Emily was treated by her father when he was alive made her bitter and hositle.  He stopped her woman's life.  She never really had a bow or boyfriend.  She lived a sheltered life. Her father never thought anyone was good enough for her.   Now her father is dead, she is alone, and she is an old-maid.  She resents not having a life outside of her father and family.  She has never been without her father and his ways and beliefs are still with her and refuse to die.  She cannot escape him even after he is dead.  She loves and repects him and the families good name.  But she wants to have a life with someone else and be happy. Her life has been somewhat lonely.  She yearns for companionship.  Knowing the definition of the word virulent helps me understand why at the end of the story Hormer Barron's body is found in her house.  She was afraid of being alone again.  She wanted to live out her days with someone she loved and someone who loved her.  When Homer died it was like losing her father over again.  I think Faulkner chose this word to emphaize the way Emily felt deep down inside.  Who she really was.  I think Emily was very proud of her family's name and heritage.  She wanted to be the person her father was and carry on the family name.  But at the same time she was very sad and lonely.