Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oedipus Questions

1.  Who wrote the play?       Sophocles

2.  Briefly define the Oedipal Complex.   A child's desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite sex.  The child has a sense of rivalry and hostility for the parent of the same sex.

3.  What is the setting of the story, specifically, the where?   The City of Thebes

4.  As the play opens, what horrible thing is going on?  Someone murdered the king - Laius - the city of Thebes is being plagued by a sphinx - until the person that killed him is found and punished.

5.  Whose death must be avenged in order for the horrible thing from number 4 to end?
      Laius the former king of Thebes

6.  Who is Oedipus' wife?      Jocasta

7.  Who is Oedipus' mother?   Jocasta

8.  Who is Oedipus' father?  Laius

9.  Who killed the King of Thebes?   Oedipus

10.  What is Oedipus' tragic flaw?   His pride.  He was blinded by his ego.  He did not want to see who he really was.

11.  As you read through Oedipus, you'll note that sight/vision/seeing (including "second sight") is very important to the overall story -- in the literal as well as the metaphorical/symbolical aspect.  You don't have to do this in complete sentences if you don't want --    Not real sure how you want this answered -- it's not really a ? 

Oedipus could see physically with his eyes.  But, was blind to the corruption in his life.  He summons the blind prophet Tiresias to help him find out who killed Laius the former king.  When Tiresias reveals the truth Oedipus can't see how this could be true.  Oedipus believes that Creon puts Tiresias up to this. 

The prophet Tiresias was physically blind, but, could see the truth and told Oedipus what was revealed to him. 

12.  Describe/discuss/explain/list how sight/vision/seeing/ "second sight" is/are used in the play to advance the plot -- to advance the story as a whole.  Include an explanation of why it's important as well as how it helps you (the real audience) understand (get) what others on the stage and in the play don't understand.

The audience and the chorus know Oedipus' fate.  They know his parents are not really his parents.  That he killed Laius, his real father, and that he married his mother.   Oedipus knows none of this.  Because he does not know these things the plot goes on.  If he knew what he had done the rest of the story would not have happened.  It makes the play suspensful.  Making the audience wait eagerly to see what happens next.  It makes you pity or feel sorry for the main character and those the lie effects.

13.  As a play, there's a lot that can and can not be done on the stage.  Explain why you think some things within this play in particular are done on stage while others are done off stage.

I think certain things are done off stage to make us use our imagineations.  We hear sound effects and in the play are told of things that happened in the past.  We must visualize the setting and how things happened.
They may not have had room for certain props for be equipped with materials for a scene.  They were limited to what they could do.

14.  Do you believe in fate?  Explain fully your answer.

Yes, I believe God put me on this earth for a reason.  He knows every aspect of my life.  He knows what I think, how I feel, and what will happen in my life.  He had a plan for my life before I was born.  He knows how and when I will die.   

15.  Explain how fate plays a role in Oedipus.

It was his fate as prophesied, to kill his father and marry his mother.  Know matter how hard he tried to change his fate it still happened.  A higher power had control.  Even though he was a king and had a lot of power, he could not change his fate.

16.  Have you ever thought how ironic this play is?  It's weird how the events come together and make everything happen the way it does.  If things were to happen just a little bit different the story would be completely changed.

Yes, if the herdsmand had killed the child when he was a baby like he was told, none of the events could have happened.  The herdsman wanted to do something good for the baby and two people who wanted a child.  But, it turned out tradgic for all involved.
Extra:  Name either one of the other tow plays in the Oedipus Trilogy -- punctuation count.

Oedipus the King

Oedipus at Colonus


1 comment:

  1. I trust that there is God and that I should put everything in his hands. Even though it is sometimes hard to do and understand.
