Monday, March 28, 2011


p. 811

homage to my hips

Lucille Clifton

All the ladies 40 and over (middle age) can appreciate this poem.  There comes a time in a woman's life when you are what you are.  Marriage, having babies, work, stress, they all take a toll on our bodies.  And where do you think it lands.  That's right on our hips.  We are woman that are confident in who we are and know what we want out of life.  If the rest of the world doesn't like it - oh well.  No matter what size are hips are they are magical and can put a spell on a man that he can't understand.  We use our hips to carry things, like children, laundry baskets etc.  We can shake them when we dance and maneuver our way in and out of anything.  They define our shape and make us desirable to men.  They show we are strong and confident.  Our hips make us unique.  Big, small, fat, skinny be proud of who you are and your hips.  

I really enjoyed this poem.  It hit home at my age.  I feel the same way.


  1. I can agree. I am approaching that magical age of 40. We do become very critical of everything to do with our appearence. My husband is a kind man who helps me look past my years and feel as young as I want to. I am very lucky to have found a wonderful man like him.So like you said it"Our hips make us unique. Big, small, fat, skinny be proud of who you are and your hips."
    I appreciate that!

  2. Yes oh yes!!! I can appreciate this poem for sure. Life really does take a toll on the HIPS!!! I'm just so thankful that I have a loving husband that loves me even more than he did when we first met:) Be happy and shake what your "kids" gave ya!

  3. I am 32 and it doesn't take being 40 to be hindered with the joys of your life putting a toll on that once young body that could get you anything you wanted. I might not have big hips to some but they are to me. Having children made them bigger and put a toll on that once young cute body that fit into a size zero so long ago! I know that the older I get the bigger my hips will grow and I hope and pray that I am as proud of them as the woman in this poem is of hers!

  4. I am going to let my mother read this poem:) She will enjoy it. Thanks for sharing,

  5. This is such a great poem! It is fun and powerful at the same time! It alludes to freedom, and power, and self confidence. I love it!
