Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Horse Dealer's Daughter

27 yrs. old
rather short
not very good-looking according to her brothers- face that looked like a bulldog
ignored brothers
took care of house and family
misses having money and servants
loved and misses her mother whom is dead
father remarried and left them with nothing
wants to get married and have money again
tired of being poor
wants a better life
thinks of suicide
went to church and lived in the memory of her mother
loved her father and depended upon him and felt secure in him until he remarried
now he was dead and left them in hopeless debt
she suffered badly during the period of poverty
she felt the end had come but she would still follow her own way
she held the keys to her life
she was mindless and presistant - thinking of no one but herself
using the Dr. as her way out

oldest brother - 33 yrs. old
broad and handsome in a hot, flushed way
black moustache
shallow and restless eyes
Knew the life they had was about to come to an end
engaged to a woman who's father would give him a job - would marry and go into harness
felt his life was done for now - he would have to listen to his wife
knew he would not be in charge anymore
smokes pipe

Fred Henry
middle brother 
erect, clean-limbed, alert
master horse trainer
not a master of life situations
Did not like to be controlled
blue eyes

fresh jaunty nose
22 yrs. old

Jack Ferguson
Young Doctor
medium height
rather long and pale face
tired eyes
spoke huskily
slight Scotch accent
had a cold
concerned about patients
friends with the Pervin family
treating rough people excited him
mere hired assistant
slave to the countryside
loved Mabel Pervin - but did not want to - he did not realize it
wanted to save her
could not express his feelings easily


  1. Wow! You went into a lot more detail than I did with my characterization. Great job and seeing so much for some of the characters that we didn't get black/white info on!

  2. Your descriptions were very detailed, but how did you like the story? This one was my favorite, because I can relate to how Mabel felt. All alone with no one, her brothers were leaving her and she had nothing to live for, or so she thought. After the doctor saved her, she deluded him into thinking that he loved her, as he did with her. I loved this story.

  3. Do you really think Jack Ferguson "loved" Mabel? Or was it just the damsel in distress story that took over him. Most men want to be a hero of some sort. That’s why most super heroes are men. Real men want to take care of women and open jars for them and be that super hero. So was his love for her or was it for the super hero feeling that he had at the moment or because her nakedness made him "lust" which can be mistaken for love?
