Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'ts almost Spring

Sunday, March 20 is the first day of Spring.  I love Spring.  Everything comes back to life and is so beautiful.  As soon as is starts getting warmer my husband and I pull out our hiking boots and backpacks.  We love to hike.  Last year we went to Crowders Mountain in Gastonia, NC.  It was a very hard climb, up, up, up.  But, we got to enjoy the beauty of nature all the way up.  Once we reached the top we could see as far as Charlotte.  We just walked around and enjoyed the view and the cool air.  Things look so much different when you are on top of a mountain.  There are several trials on Crowders Mountain, some easier than others, but each one is just as exhilarating as the other. 

We have hiked on Rona Mountain in Tennessee where we came across something very unusual.  Inside a fence that was game managed, were long haired goats.  They had long curly hair like a sheep, but they were goats.  There was a goat mailbox with info about them and you could adopt one. 

We hiked to the top of Cling man's Dome in Western North Carolina.  When we began the hike we were dressed in shorts and tennis shoes with light jackets.  It was a warm, sunny day.  When we reached the top, we were up so high it was snowing.  We texted our kids showing us in the snow.  They texted back, where in the world are you? 

We hiked up Mt. Mitchell also.  It was a long, hard climb, but well worth it.  It was gorgeous at the top.  But, while we were enjoying the view it began to sleet.  When we got back down. You guessed it.  Warm and sunny.

We have hiked up South Mountain several times.  It is only about 45 minutes from our house and is a good trip for a Sunday afternoon.  There is a great park, fishing, swimming, and other activities.  At the top of this mountain is a beautiful waterfall you could just stand and watch all day.

We have enjoyed hiking many mountains and hope to do so again this spring and summer.  But, the best part of hiking is being together in God's beautiful world and experiencing it's wonder and beauty.  I look forward to our adventures every year and hope we are both healthy enough to make the trips.  There are still a lot of mountains we have not conquered yet, but, hope to get to them eventually.


  1. I have also had many FUN experiences hiking. My family and i once hiked to the waterfall at South Mountain in the winter. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen, the waterfall was frozen solid. I encourage you to take that hike at least once in your life.

  2. I love the outdoors, enjoy the natue and learning stuff as you go about your day hiking, whether it be a bird, fish, worm, or whatever; it's very exciting!!
