Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Short Story I Liked the Least

The short story I liked the least of the 10, was "Cathedral".  I know blind people use their other senses to see.  I know they like to feel other people's faces.  I know the point of the story was to make us grateful for having the gift of sight.  But, I really could not understand how the blind man putting his hand on the man's doing the drawing could help him know what a cathedral looked like.  To me you would have to be a very good artist to draw a cathedral.  There is so much detail.  I think this would be something you would have to see to believe.  Or touch in person to visualize.  I just could not get into the story.   It did not keep me curious  to what would happen next. 


  1. I feel the same way about this story. I liked how this story teaches you how to value and cherish everything, like how the man wasn't really grateful for his sight until the blind man shows him. I think its nice how the blind helps him find a meaning of the cathedral and how to believe. I was a little bit confused with this story at the end, because the blind man helps him draw the cathedral, but I mean, I wished he would've explained it more to the husband and go into more detail of how he learns to feel the way he does. I don't know, I guess the end was just like, THAT. I don't really understand "the experience." I honestly don't like how it just ends the way it did.

  2. I do believe that describing the cathedral in excess would have allowed Robert to get a better sense of how one looked, but since the man was unable to describe it for him verbally, Robert substituted with the only way he might be able to "see" one. I don't think that Robert holding onto the husband's hand while drawing one would have been very accurate, but it was the only thing that Robert could have to try to imagine one.

  3. I was confused about this story too. Unless the man was helping him draw, kind of like you do when you hold a child's hand and help them draw their letters. If he was holding his hand and drawing what he saw in his own mind then I could see the fascination in that. If he held my hand and I had to draw a Cathedral he probably would think one looked like a raggedy dog house when I was through.
