Monday, March 28, 2011



Looking at Each Other

Muriel Rukeyser

Everyone that is married or has a sexual relationship can appreciate this poem.

I believe it is talking about two people in love married or not.  They have a special relationship.  They know each other well.  They have spent valuable time together.  They love each other.  They have been through good and bad times.  Experienced a lot together.  There is still passion in the relationship and they are still sexually aroused by each other.  To me it describes a couple that has been together for a number of years and are still very much in love and enjoy being together.   When making love they see each other with loving hearts and minds.  They are one.  They are in love.


  1. Interesting poem, I did not like it. It was boring. When in a realtionship, it much more than described in the poem, maybe the author was just hitting the points he could think of at the time. Then again, it is building up the passion to the ending of an intimate moment.

  2. I really was able to understand this poem until line 17. After that I was lost and couldn't focus on what she was trying to get across. I felt like the poet ran out of things to say and just put in a bunch of made up sentences at the end. The poem flows very well at the beginning and up until this point. Her sentences are normal then they go to strange.

    I could see the detail of the long-term relationship. I did wonder about them seeing each other's breast and if this meant both of them were female.

    But overall it was not a bad piece.

  3. I think the poem was ok. It's a nice little poem about love and romance, and I especially enjoy reading those. The repetition though, I'm not much a fan, but I guess she's using that to emphasize and illustrate the actions and feelings of the lovers.

  4. I agree with you on these statements! I love to see adults i know who have been married for so many years. I have a couple in my church who are so gentle and sweet with each other even after well over 35 years! It makes me smile when I see that they are as in love today as they were on their wedding day. I pray to one day have this type of love relationship with my husband!
