Sunday, March 27, 2011


When I hear the word poetry I usually think. Oh No!  This will require a lot of reasoning and thinking.  Reading between the lines kind of stuff.  I would not go out and buy a poetry book just for fun and enjoyment.  When reading poetry it depends on what kind of poetry it is and the author.  For example, work the poetry I read is for children.  It is easy for me to understand and interrupt.  To me most poetry is very hard to understand.  The author uses words I can not pronounce or cannot understand unless I research them or look up the meaning.  Then I usually still do not get the meaning of the poem.  If I have to read the poem over and over again just to try and understand what the author is trying to say I do not enjoy it.   Last semester in Eng. 111 we read a lot of poems written by Irish poets.  The poems dealt with the Irish Troubles and the impact the poets had on the war.  They were very hard to interrupt unless you did a lot of research on Ireland and the poets themselves.  Which we had to do and write a report on.  It was more like history class than English.  Poetry has never been one of my favorite things.  I do not have a creative bone in my body.  Writing anything is a struggle for me.  I had to write a poem about myself last semester.  Needless to say not great.  I have read the occasional poem I really enjoyed.  I type the bulletin for our church and use religious poems to fill in space.  I enjoy those very much.  As I stated early, it depends on the type of poem and the author when reading poems.  I really don't have a favorite author or poem.  I do not care to read poetry unless I have to.  It has never been something I enjoy.

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