Monday, April 25, 2011

Hairspray Qestion #7

I tried to go back and answer this question and edit it but I could not get it to work.

#7.  Listen carefully to the final song of the movie.  What does it mean--not just for the story itself, but for you, too? 

It means that time does not stand still. Things change everyday.  New things are invented everyday.  You can't live in the past.  No matter what you look like, your size, the color of your hair or skin.  We are all God's children.  He made us all to be equal.  You can't stop love.  People change.  Things change whether we like it or not.  Change is good. 

Things have changed from the time I was very young until now.  Technology advances everyday.  People have different values today.  They want more for nothing.  They want and don't give.  Maybe we should go back to some of the values of the sixties.  But not all.  Some things change for the better.  The older I get the more I miss some of the things that are not around today.  Everything is convenent and fast.  Everyone is always in a hurry.  I miss the old days.


  1. I listen to the last song in this movie and I agree with you that this song means. You can't stop the things that go on in this life. It is best to just go along with the changes that occur. I miss the old days so much too. Things were less convenient then but less stressful too!

  2. Applying the thought of changes; it also states that you shouldn't limit yourself, go and think outside the box. Be adventurous!!
